more than "just" a local farm; Tapestry is ...

Ethical Food Solutions & Choice

Your dietary choices are essential to your long-term health & vitality - it's one of the few aspects of health we do have control over, unlike genetics.

Navigating the often conflicting advice from experts & choosing which way to align our moral compass has become increasingly more complex at a time when our options on the conventional market have become few & far between.

You deserve access to ingredients that reflect your commitment to your health, meet your needs for variety & satisfy your desire to do good for the planet.
homegrown produce
I'm passionate about empowering & enabling you to succeed

Explore Farm-to-Table Cuisine at Home

If you are a foodie with specific expectations & high standards, that’s O.K. – because so am I. I aspire to be your own private farmers’ market, without the hassle of finding somewhere to park! Everything from the customizable butcher boxes to the resource library is designed to help you thrive

However you challenge yourself in the kitchen,

I'm totally here for it!
The Animals we raise

Rare & Heritage Breeds

meat & milk

Dexter Cattle

Good things come in small packages; defined as a triple purpose breed - Dexters are the perfect cow for smallholdings
eggs & meat

Barred Plymouth Rock

Winter hardy, prolific layers who double as a slow growing lean carcass that does well on pasture
meat & wool

Shropshire Sheep

Once dubbed the "farm flock favorite" Shropshires used to be the most prolific sheep in Canada. Hardy, resilient & gentle

Hampshire Pigs

Good tempered, social & curious - hampshire pigs take longer to mature & produce a rich full flavour unlike conventional pork

Why Tapestry?

The meaning behind the homestead's name

Picture the natural world as represented by an embroidered tapestry hanging from the rafters. The pesticide enthusiasts are all looking at the backside of the tapestry. From that perspective thye see loose ends, stray threads & confused patterns. Their science isn't bad it's just that they can't see the logic of nature's woven fabric. They need to step around to the front side.

elliot coleman
Get to KNow

Anna Brown

regenerative farmer
About Me

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Our products are available seasonally, and often in limited quantities. Join our mailing list to receive a head’s up when products become available & enjoy exclusive bonus content

    est. 2017

    Since its inception Tapestry Homestead has worked to restore the biodiversity of our land & inspire local Edmonton families to cook with ethical, nutrient-dense ingredients; so you can enjoy meals truly worth eating.